Doctor Column

Dizziness and Vertigo: How Do We Keep Our Balance?

Dizziness is an imprecise word people use to describe symptoms of feeling lightheaded, the sensation that the room is spinning or unsteadiness. Most of the time the problem is not serious or long lasting but it can make your life miserable. Less frequently, it can lead to a permanent loss of hearing or the diagnosis of a life threatening disease.

Benefits of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

In the 15th and 16th centuries, Columbus, Magellan, Vasco da Gama and their sailors lived at sea for months at a time. On these challenging voyages, fresh fruits and vegetables were not available. As a consequence, the seamen suffered from malnutrition and the reality that 50% of the men onboard would not return home alive.

Facts and Myths About Left-Handed People

I attended a lecture given by a surgeon who said, “If you plan to do microsurgery and you’re right hand dominant, you need to be skillful using the other hand as well.” To become more comfortable using the left hand he suggested, “Start by shaving with your left hand and use it more frequently.”