Doctor Column

Centenarians, COVID and Grandpa

It was May of 2020 when Jeannine’s frustration spilled into anger. She fired blanks trying to get her grandfather vaccinated against COVID-19. Doctors’ offices, “We don’t have the vaccine.” Local health officials, “We’re working on it. I suggest you go to the internet (.gov) for the latest information.” The internet was unhelpful. Hospitals “nada.” As a last resort, “I called my congressman and explained the situation.” This is how the story unfolded.

When Will the COVID-19 Pandemic End?

As the incidence of COVID-19 slopes downward in the United States and the vaccination rates climb, a sense of relief and normalcy is returning to the country. You can make indoor restaurant reservations more easily, fly across the nation, take part in sporting events outdoors or indoors, attend religious services and in person schooling is set to resume at the end of the summer throughout the U. S.

Herpes Simplex: Reasons to Be Careful

According to the World Health Organization, a mind-boggling 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 (or 67% of the world’s population) are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (see below). If you ever have had a fever blister or cold sore, you have been most likely infected with the HSV-1 virus.

Keep Moving, Sit Less & Move More for Good Health!

“Exercise is “good for you.” How many times have you heard that? Others announce; you need a “balanced program” that includes muscle strengthening, bone strengthening stretching and aerobic—cardio activities. But how do you make sense of and begin a balanced exercise program? How many steps are enough, what muscle groups should be strengthened or how hard and how often should you work out? People opine about the many benefits of exercise; but what are they?

Nine (9) Tips for Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

There is a definite need for better control of high blood pressure in the United States. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), “roughly 39 million Americans are at risk for serious health issues due to uncontrolled high blood pressure,” which includes an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure, vision loss and kidney disease.

Sickle Cell Disease and CRISPR-Cas9

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disease that’s passed down from parent to child. This genetic disorder causes the body to make abnormal red blood cells (RBC’s). Hemoglobin is the protein in the RBC’s that delivers oxygen to all parts of the body and sends carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhaled from the body.

A 21st Century Scientific Revolution? CRISPR-Case 9

Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier have ignited a scientific revolution. In 2020, both shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their pioneering work in gene editing (also called genome editing or genetic engineering). This innovative technology, CRISPR-Cas9, allows scientists to more easily and accurately repair or enhance an organism’s faulty DNA.