Doctor Column

HC SMART: #2 / PSA Screening for Prostate Cancer

Elevated PSA levels must be interpreted thoughtfully and with care. There is not a level of PSA that is specifically diagnostic of prostate cancer. To use PSA in order to estimate a man’s risk of prostate cancer, PSA should be interpreted over time and in the context of other risk factors; such as a strong family history of prostate cancer and African-American ethnicity.


Otitis Media (OM) is a serious disease. It is an inflammation or infection of the middle ear -namely- that air filled cavity located behind the eardrum and in front of the inner ear. Several vital structures occupy this middle ear space and one of them is important for our ability to hear and another is the nerve that controls facial movements. Also, the middle ear is extremely sensitive to pain.

Gluten Aware

The media has focused a lot of attention on gluten free diets and the role of gluten in inflammatory disease. The important thing to remember is that one should be “gluten aware”, not terrified of gluten. Only those with Celiac diesaese have to be strictly wheat free.


Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is responsible for the highest percentage of morbidity and mortality in the Unites States. At the present time, institutions such as the American Heart Association devote major efforts to promote wellness and prevent arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

Winter is Coming

Winter months tend to bring on more illness for your children, but in fact just being at school or daycare can significantly impact on your child’s overall health risk, especially when they are first starting out. This is because children do not know how to practice health hygiene (many adults do not either) and many children are sent to school sick because of childcare issues.


Pain (otalgia) is a symptom that makes patients rush to doctors to seek medical help. Primary ear pain due to infections of the outer or middle ear is common and readily diagnosed upon examination by your doctor. But, as noted above, not all ear pain originates within the ear. Referred ear pain poses more of a challenge to properly diagnose and treat since the source of pain is “hidden” at a distance from the ear.