Doctor Column

Scuba diving and ear problems: Part 1

Last year In the U.S, more than 3 million people participated in scuba diving, a sport that is enjoyed by both sexes in all age groups. Recreational scuba diving is popular and world- wide with more than 23 million scuba diver certifications issued in 2015. However, its growth in popularity has been accompanied by an increase in the number of ear complaints associated with this activity.

Taste and smell — the olfactory nerve & the five senses

Taste and smell are connected in more ways than we realize. Eighty percent of what we taste is related to the sense of smell. There is virtually no flavor to food or beverages without the sense of smell. This article emphasizes the actions of the Olfactory nerve, i.e. the smell nerve, how it contributes to the enjoyment of food and drink, how it protects us from harmful irritants and how it enhances the quality of our life.