The B complex vitamins are a group of water soluble nutrients that are found in animal proteins, leafy green vegetables and whole grains.
The B complex vitamins are a group of water soluble nutrients that are found in animal proteins, leafy green vegetables and whole grains.
According to the CDC, “Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning in the United States. Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States.” About two out of ten people who die are children 14 and younger.
Years ago, while walking on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, I noticed stretches of women sitting on benches facing the ocean in their bathing suits. They held metal-like reflectors under their chins while gathering the noonday sun and aiming it at their faces. Today, women at the beach or pool are protecting themselves from the sun.
About 25% of households in the US own one or more cats, which means close to 32 million families are feline friendly. If you belong to one of those families, who among you can say, “I never have been scratched or bitten by a cat?”
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in certain fatty and oily foods. Fats makes up about 90% of vitamin E and its main job is to work as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals.
At the end of the summer last year, a friend of mine rang my doorbell at 4:45 p. m. Smiling, he presented me with the last vegetable harvest of the summer from his garden.
Sharon, a 38 year old lab technician, is filling out her medical history in the doctor’s waiting room. One of the first questions on the medical form: What’s your main complaint? She wrote — Sinus pressure and pain. Another question: “Are you allergic to any medication?” She wrote — Penicillin.
Many are aware that vitamin A is needed for normal eyesight, especially in low light. Vitamin A helps maintain a healthy cornea, the clear, outer layer of the eye. It’s also needed by the retina, the nerve layer that lines the back of the eye, for it to function normally.
Sharon, a 53 y/o writer asked her husband to, “Look at my thumb. The right thumb is bigger than the left.”
We’ve all had a bloody nose, scraped a knee or cut a finger at one time or another. A remarkable feat happens when liquid blood turns into a solid mass forming a blood clot and the bleeding stops. If a wound, internal or external does not clot, the bleeding continues leading to shock and a catastrophic ending!